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tanmu 发表于 2007-3-30 23:56:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
春天赞歌<br/>春是由冬孕育<a href="http://www.wowgold3000.com/">wow gold</a>而生的,春被艰难产下后,便改变了上辈<a href="http://www.wowgoldblog.net/">world of warcraft gold</a>初衷,含情脉脉地变革、完善着自己,满怀着夏和秋的<a href="http://www.wowgold.hk/">wow gold</a>心腹事,努力打扮着自己,待到艳丽动人时便嫁给夏天。热情奔放的夏天忙碌着,为秋而张扬。秋则继承着夏的遗愿,牢记着春的愿望,收获着春的期待。夏和秋的理想,都是为实现春天的向往。<br/>  春夏秋冬,春总是昂首挺立于一年四季之首的。<br/>  春是绿色的暗示。在五光十色、五彩缤纷的现代社会,最具时尚的色彩莫过于绿色了!沙漠向往着绿色;疲惫的城市向往着绿色;喧嚣的人类期待着环境的绿色;北京奥运也做着绿色的梦……。春天一到,世界便突出了绿的主题,张扬着绿的个性,暗示着绿的世界的再现。春天是多彩的,人们的生活本应是斑斓的,而为何唯对绿色情真意切?这世界性的思索还是交给春天去完成。<br/>  春是希望的暗示。失去希望也便失去了未来,春天则意味着希望。春风携着耕种的信息,四处活跃着萌动,呼唤着沉睡,鼓动着万物的复苏。春是播种的季节,同时也在播种着收获的期待,会唱歌的春风唱乐了冬的凝重。当人们心灰意冷时,畅游到绿色田园闻一闻春的气息,感受一番春的顽皮,希望顿时跟着这个季节升温。初春虽也略显固执,但她仍把人的思绪层层缠绕在鲜活的希望上。<br/>  春是生命的暗示。绿是生命的向征,春是绿的使者,春的来临给自然界的万物带来灵性。春力透纸背狂写着生命的蓬勃、顽强,草拟着运动的命题,谱写着重新开始的乐章。“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”的歌声,也只有在春日里方显深沉悠扬。生命是宝贵的,故而春对生命的暗示也变得神秘、幽邃。当我们阅读春天进入一种不可言喻的境界时,便可领悟到,理应把过去岁月中的不幸与磨难抛到生命之外,重新赋予生命一种春的内涵。<br/>  春是和谐的暗示。春日一展开笑容,冰雪消融、花前月下、鸟语花香的诗句便格外生动起来。春风吹暖了冰封的土地,吹净了染尘的积雪,吹绿了初醒的山川,吹化了凝固的溪水,吹醒了冬日的梦境。人们又开始将斑斓的春梦驶进明媚的春日。一梦醒来,梦的舟仍未挂桨收帆,又驶入美梦似的春天。人们舞动在春的图画里,聆听着春的细语,感受着春的弦律,人与自然的和谐之美,被春日装点的格外动人。<br/>  春节的烟花爆竹停止了表演和歌唱,春又身披盛装闪亮登场。在春的婀娜多姿的表演中,我们也融入了春的意境,不断接受着春的种种暗示,无法摆脱春的意图。<br/>春天的花,是美丽迷人的;春天的云,是变幻莫测的;春天的风,是柔和温暖的;<br/>春天,她饱含着温情,悄悄地来到人间,轻快地奔跑着,送来了温暖的阳光,逗笑了冰冻的小河,唤醒了冬眠的小动物,吹绿了大地,吹艳了各色鲜艳的花......我抓着春姑娘绿色的衣裙,悄悄地、轻轻地、默默地走在铺满绿色的大地上.<br/>春天,大自然几乎成了花的世界,红的艳,白的娇,黄的嫩,构成了一幅五彩缤纷的图画,散发出沁人心脾的芳香.春姑娘把每一个角落都散发着春天的气息它把小草吹绿了,把娇嫩的小芽从土壤里拽出来.树爷爷时而摆动几下树枝,换上绿色的春装;时而挥舞几下树梢,跟春姑娘大招呼.这时,树爷爷的每根树枝、每片树叶,都渗透着青春的活力.春风那慈母般的手抚摸着大地,小动物们被春风吹得暖洋洋的;农夫们在春风中撒下种子为美好的未来而工作.<br/>听,春雨来了!它落在湖面上,拨动了春姑娘的小提琴;春雨落在屋檐下,叮叮咚咚,打起了春姑娘的小腰鼓;春雨落在树丛里,敲响了春姑娘的小铜锣,在叶心汇成一口小巧玲珑的小潭;春雨落在花朵上,弹出了春姑娘的"春之舞".<br/>春天,它蕴含着新的开始,蕴含着新的生命,蕴含着新的世界!春天,多么美好啊!
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xingtaideren 发表于 2009-3-13 09:59:06 | 只看该作者
yaoyao123 发表于 2009-3-25 13:07:45 | 只看该作者
Very good!
 楼主| tanmu 发表于 2010-2-2 11:17:25 | 只看该作者
<p>Things to watch for when buying WOW Gold!</p>
<p>There has been a lot of buzz in the World of Warcraft Community about what sites sell legitimate WOW gold sellers or WOW power leveling services. The online gaming currency market has never been so large as it is today. With all the companies and all the options and all the different prices it can be extremely difficult to narrow down the bad apples from the good ones. Here are a few tips that can help you when trying to determine who you should be making your purchase with and who can guarantee a legitimate transaction.<br/><br/>How are you planning on making your purchase? Credit card, money order, debit card or gift card? In today's age it is a must to make sure you keep your personal information safe and secure. Try to make sure the company you are making your online buy wow gold is based in the country you are ordering from or has a very good consumer report. The best form of payment is going to be a Pay Pal card or account. This is good because it prevents anyone from potentially getting information regarding your banking account. Try to refrain from using debit cards and large credit cards, as losing this information could be damaging. Most sites will not accept gift cards making papal the best method of payment.<br/><br/>Always judge the site you are making a purchase from by their customer service. If a company can not respond to you or give you adequate <a href="http://www.wowsun.com/">buy wow gold</a> answers, you should in no way be doing business with them. Check to make sure the WOW gold seller you are interested in using offers, good professional customer service. No contacts listed on their page should be alarms for you as the consumer. If you are a bargain shopper like most of us these days, we would also recommend comparing sites prices as you don't want to be over paying for customer service either. <br/><br/>The last and best tip we can suggest is to make sure the company has allot of successful business transactions and been in business for at least a few years. They should have a decent page rank of at least 4 or higher. This help shows they currently have a moderate amount of volume and are running a prospering business hopefully due to their ability to provide a good service and product. A good site to check out that currently has one of the most in depth gold seller/power leveler reviews is www.wowsun.com . They currently offer a full review of the top gold sellers and smaller gold sellers. Do some research before making any online purchase, not just with WOW products. Happy shopping, hopefully these tips will help you in making the right decisions in your online gaming purchases.</p>
liuxiaona 发表于 2010-3-1 09:00:27 | 只看该作者
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